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motive_sessions [2018/03/27 14:40] [2019/08/21 09:33]
Line 1: Line 1:
-====== Setup New Session inside Motive ======+====== Session Setup ======
-Before you start capturing you need to setup your session.+Before you start capturing you need to setup your session. First you have to open the ''Data Pane'':
-For this you need to create a new session inside your projetct on your filer:+{{:opensessiondata.png?300|}}  
 +{{ ::createnewsessionfolder.png?300|}}
-i.e. I:\Innolab\03_projects\180101_Pilot_DemoProject\01_capturing 
-{{::createnewsessionfolder.png?400|}}+Press the ''plus-icon'' to **select a new session folder**. 
 +You need to create a new session inside your projetct on the internal drive D:
 +If necessary create a new subfolders with a distinctive name with a date,
 +Then you need to remove all the other sessions from previous uses:
 +**ATTENTION: PLEASE make sure you only REMOVE the folders. DO NOT DELETE THEM!!!**
 +Set the blue flag to make sure your new session folder is active 
 +and all new takes will be stored inside this folder.
 +For more detailed information you can check the [[|official documentation]]:
motive_sessions.txt · Last modified: 2019/08/21 09:35 by