======Blender and MakeHuman====== How to use MakeHuman and Blender to create characters that can be animated with Mocap data from Motive, FaceRig, PerceptionNeuron etc.. ==Install MakeHuman== * Download the makehuman release from http://www.makehumancommunity.org/content/downloads.html * Unzip and move the folder to your applications directory ==Install Blender== * Download and install from http://www.blender.org ==Install the MHX2 addon in Makehuman== * Download MHX2 Plugin for Makehuman from http://www.makehumancommunity.org/content/plugins.html * Move the 9_export_mhx2 directory to the MakeHuman plugins directory. On osX probably: /Applications/MakeHuman.app/Contents/Resources/plugins/ On Windows C:\Program Files\Makehuman\makehuman-1.1.1-win32\plugins (or wherever you've installed Makehuman) ==Install the MHX2 plugin in Blender== * Download the MHX2 Plugin for Blender from http://www.makehumancommunity.org/content/plugins.html * Move import_runtime_mhx2 to the Blender addons directory C:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.79\scripts\addons * Enable the MHX2 importer in Blender. Open Blender, Select File > User Preferences. In the window that opens, select the Addons tab and then the MakeHuman category. Enable MakeHuman: Import-Runtime: MakeHuman eXchange 2 (.mhx2) * In the File tab, enable Auto Run Python Scripts and Save User Settings. * Save User Settings ==Import a Makehuman character into Blender== * Open MakeHuman and design you character. * Select the Pose/Animation tab and set Rig Presets to Default No Toes. * For facial Animation you probably want your character to have teeth, toung, eyebrows and eyelashes. To do this enable the parts by selecting the Geometries tab... * In the Files > Export tab, select MakeHuman Exchange (mhx2), select the export path, and press export. * Open Blender Select File > Import > MakeHuman (.mhx2), and navigate to the mhx2 file exported from MakeHuman. * By default, the exported character is imported into Blender as it appears in MakeHuman. However, if Override Export Data is selected, the character will be rebuilt according to the options that appear. ==Import MakeHuman character from Blender to FaceRig (UNTESTED!)== Follow the documentation by [FaceRig](https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9A2HzJCWwFWYnN6SFRPbW1mRWM/view) Here's an indicator of what is probably important and what part of the documentation can probably be ignored: Geometry : Important Geometry Naming : Important Default pose : Should be ok with MakeHuman characters Geometry rules : Should be ok with MakeHuman characters UV Mapping : Should be ok with MakeHuman characters Deformaton : Important Fur : Can be ignored Shader (materials) naming : Important Shader Types : For visual fine tuning Texture maps : Should be ok with MakeHuman characters Texture Types Sufxes : Important Additonal skins for avatars and props : Can be ignored Skeleton : Important Pseudo-physics driven bones : Can be ignored Animatons and expression poses : Important (this step is probably the most time consuming. We might be able to reuse the animations once they're done for the first time) Avatar confguraton fle : might be important, but try ignoring this at first Full Body Animaton Specifcatons (Studio only) : Important if working with PerceptionNeuron for body capture Skeleton hierarchy : Important ==Synchronizing Makehuman and Blender== This might be useful to make a makehuman character have similar proportions as a 3D scan.. [[https://www.blendernation.com/2016/07/10/add-sync-makehuman-mesh-pose/]] ==Makewalk and other Blender Tools== Makewalk is used for retargeting of Bvh in Blender. [[http://www.makehumancommunity.org/wiki/Documentation:Getting_and_installing_BlenderTools]] [[http://www.makehumancommunity.org/wiki/Documentation:MakeWalk]] ==not sure if this is needed any more== * Download blender plugins http://download.tuxfamily.org/makehuman/releases/1.1.1/blender_plugins_for_1.1.1.zip * Add the directories makewalk, maketarget, mkeclothes and import_runtime_mhx2 directory to the blender addons folder. On osX probably: ~/Library/Application Support/Blender/2.79/scripts/addons * In blender go go File/User Prefferences.. * Select Add-ons, then in Categories select MakeHuman * Check MakeHumna: Import-Runtime: MakeHuman Exchange 2 (.mhv2) * Check MakeHuman: MakeWalk * Save User Settings Now export an mhv2 from makehuman, import it into blender using the "Override Exported Data" and select Rig type: Game. Now open the MakeWalk Tab in the Tool Shelf and click Load and Retarget to load a .bvh file exported from motive. In MakeWalk: Edit Actions use GlobalEdit to make set the animation onto the ground,... mhx2 rig explained: https://thomasmakehuman.wordpress.com/mhx2-documentation/the-mhx-rig/