====== Maya ====== ===== Create Skeleton ===== The Advanced Skeleton Rigging Tool is needed for this step. It is currently not installed on the Innovation Lab computers. - Use Advanced Skeleton Rigging Tool to create a rig - Fit Skeletons: Select bipedGame.ma for Unity compatibility - Auto Orient: Fit Now and click Update now - Click Build Advanced Skeleton to create Rig {{::maya-1-advanced-skeleton.png?300 |}} {{::maya-5-bipedgame.png?400 |}} ===== Import Character Model ===== - Model your character in T-Pose and not Y-Pose to connect the mocap data. - File > Create Reference... and choose model file and namespace to link to. Set a short namespace, which is important for import/export. {{::maya-2-reference-namespace.png?600|}} ===== Characterize ===== Before we can use mocap data, we need to characterize (link each joint to a global label/character node): - Display HumanIK: Windows > Animation Editors > HumanIK - In HumanIK click on Create Character Definition - Rename Character by clicking on the blue icon > Rename Character - Map Joints from Outliner to HumanIK (map only main joints, part joints not need to be mapped) by: - Select Joint in Outliner - Right click on corresponding joint in HumanIK Character Definition and select Assign Selected Bone - Map Root in Outliner is the Hip in Character Definition - Map Chest to the first Spine (Spine1) - Map Neck the first neck (Neck) joint - Go on with all other Joints. - If the green checkmark is displayed, everything is OK. The character will get orange if there is a problem. - Save Skeleton Defintion at the end by clicking on floppy disk symbol at HumanIK window. - The prefix of the skeleton defintion needs to be changed since we use a reference. If we import the mocap data, there will be a Namespace (name of the Character in Motive). Delete the "Root" of of the prefix but leave the ":". Change the path to the "data" location in your maya project. - Save the Scene {{::maya-3-create-character-defintion.png?200|}} {{::maya-4-rename-character.png?200|}} {{::maya-5-assign-selected-bone.png?300|}} {{::maya-6-assignement-ok.png?200|}} {{::maya-7-save-skeleton-defintion-1.png?300|}} {{::maya-7-save-skeleton-defintion-2.png?300|}} Remarks: * Map Shoulder does not work if character is not in T-Pose. Rotate Arms so that the Model is in T-Pose until character switches to green. * Also the feets must be parallel to the Z Axis. * If you change the model, make sure to clear the assignment data before reassigning the bon it to refresh the offsets. The offsets are calculated when you assign the bones. * If you create a new scene, you can import the saved skeleton defintion so you don't have to do it once again. ===== Create Control Rig ===== We do not key joints directly. We key curves/controls in order to fix mocap problems. So we create a custom control rig: - Unlock the Character Definition by clicking on the lock in Human IK. - Click on "Create Custom Rig Mapping" in Human IK. - By default, it assign ankles and hips. - Connect controllers to the control rig by select the controller and right click on coressponding control rig point and "Assign selected Effector". - Disconnect the translation on the head (deactivate Map Translation). {{::maya-8-unlock-skelton-definition.png?300|}} {{:maya-9-create-control-rig.png?300|}} {{:maya-10-control-rig.png?200|}} ===== Import Mocap Data ===== In order to import motion capture data, you need to [[motive_takeexport|export the correct format (FBX Binary) in motive]]. Choose File > Import and import the motive FBX binary file. Also the mocap data has to be characterized: - Grab all Joints of the mocap - Open channel box and set Rotate X,Y,Z=0 - Select Hip joint and set Translate X=0 and Z=0 - Select Hips and Translate Y until the that character stands on the ground - Open Human IK and click Create Character Defintion - Rename the character to "Mocap" - Assign all bones from mocap skeleton to character by selecting bone in skeleton and right click on character "Assign Selected Bone". - Save Skeleton Definition. There is no need to change the prefix. Change to location to your maya project. Change Template name to "mocap_CD". - In Human IK, select the character the character to animate, and select as source the mocap character. - Select the pole vector and set it to follow (10) in channel display. - You need to bake the mocap animation to the Human IK skeleton: Human IK > Bake > Bake Custom Rig After that, you can start clean the Mocap Data. {{::maya-10-connect-character-source.png?200|}} {{:maya-12-bake.png?200|}} ===== Update Mocap Data ===== - Import Options > Set File Type to FBX - Import Add and Update Animation: it will just update the motion data. You do not have to recreate everything. ===== Fix Mocap Data ===== - Select the Controller to fix - Window > Animation Editors > Graph Editor - Select parameter to fix and mark area/time range to fix with mouse - Curves > Simplify Curves (set start and end frame) Do not Simplify over a whole take at once. {{::maya-11-graph-editor.png?500|}} {{:maya-12-simplify-curve.png?200|}} ===== Export Rig ===== - Open the original character file - Export only Deformation System for Unity: Open Deformation System in Outline - Select Root and Geometry. - File > Game Exporter: Export only selection, use File type FBX (Binary) ===== Export Animation ===== - File > Export Game - Use FBX 2018 filetype - Activate Animation in Export window. - Acitvate Bake Animation - Add Animation Clips in Export Window