If it's not already loaded, be sure that SCENE 101 HELLOWORLD210713 is loaded [update this, add picture(s)]
To Do: add overview of different scenes (i.e. default multichannel, multichannel + minijack, (front, rear, both)
37 main output channels are connected to the speakers by default (access via Dante ch. 1-37)
4 subwoofer output channels are connected to the speakers by default (access via Dante ch. 45-48)
the omni ins are channels 49-56 (the minijack input are channels 49-50)
The master faders for the mains and subs are the two on the righthand side of the mixer. PLEASE BE CAREFUL TO START WITH THE FADER AT -∞ AND SLOWY RAISE THE VOLUME TO AN ACCEPTABLE LEVEL.. Typically levels between -10 and 0 are ideal.
all input faders should be set to 0 dB
output faders (in the output section (LS 01 - 30 + SUB 1 & 2) should be set to -20