To power up the OptiTrack MoCap system, follow this procedure:
Navigate to the Home page on the touch panel in the back corner of the room
Login as Admin (password can be found inside of key lockbox above the touch panel)
Navigate to the AV page
Toggle the power controls Nr. 13 –> Manuell –> I/O & Nr. 15 –> Manuell –> I/O to the on (green) setting in the for WAK Galerien Gessneralle (Ost) section
After starting he OptiTrack software on the Alienware computer, the rings on the face of the cameras should light up. The rings will initially be green, they will turn blue once they are sufficiently calibrated
When finished, be sure to turn Nr. 13 & Nr. 15 back to the off (red) setting
Logout from the system (if it has not already automatically timed out)