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Powering on the system:

  1. Mixer
  2. Computer
  3. Speakers (via Siemens panel)

Audio output (from computer):

  • Audio output should be set to Dante in Audio software
  • NOTE: It's best to keep the system output set to “Internal Speakers” to avoid loud/annoying beeps
  • Sample rate should be set to 48 kHz
  • IMPORTANT: the system often takes 5-10 minutes to establish the connection from the computer to ALL speakers.. This issue is duets the system having more that 32 total Dante devices (the limit of a single interface).

Using the mixer:

  • 37 main output channels are connected to the speakers by default (access via Dante ch. 1-37)
  • 4 subwoofer output channels are connected to the speakers by default (access via Dante ch. 45-48)
  • The master faders for the mains and subs are the two on the righthand side of the mixer. PLEASE BE CAREFUL TO START WITH THE FADER AT -∞ AND SKOWKY RAISE THE VOLUME TO AN ACCEPTABLE LEVEL.. Typically levels between -10 and 0 are ideal.

Troubleshooting: I'm not getting any sound!

  1. Double-check that everything is powered on
  2. Waited for up to 10 minutes for the connections to be established

Audio Networking

audio.1626447278.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/07/16 16:54 by elarrieu