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Powering on the system:

  1. Mixer (power button is on the back right above the main Power cable)
  2. Computer (power is just below the pink Dante cat-7 cable)
  3. Speakers (via Siemens panel –> turn on all odd numbered outlets on the second spotlight page [add image(s)])

Audio output (from computer):

  • Audio output should be set to Dante in Audio software
  • NOTE: It's best to keep the system output set to “Internal Speakers” to avoid loud/annoying beeps
  • Sample rate should be set to 48 kHz
  • IMPORTANT: the system often takes 5-10 minutes to establish the connection from the computer to ALL speakers.. This issue is duets the system having more that 32 total Dante devices (the limit of a single interface).

Using the mixer:

  • 37 main output channels are connected to the speakers by default (access via Dante ch. 1-37)
  • 4 subwoofer output channels are connected to the speakers by default (access via Dante ch. 45-48)
  • The master faders for the mains and subs are the two on the righthand side of the mixer. PLEASE BE CAREFUL TO START WITH THE FADER AT -∞ AND SKOWKY RAISE THE VOLUME TO AN ACCEPTABLE LEVEL.. Typically levels between -10 and 0 are ideal.

Troubleshooting: I'm not getting any sound!

  1. Double-check that everything is powered on
  2. You may need to wait for up to 10 minutes for all the connections to be established (although typically at least some of the speakers play right away after power up).

Audio Networking

audio.1626447620.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/07/16 17:00 by elarrieu