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art_the_paradoxes_of_copyright [2021/10/17 23:02] – [Friday] fstalder@zhdk.chart_the_paradoxes_of_copyright [2022/05/24 09:09] – [Thursday Afternoon und Friday morning: Brave new Crypto-World: NFT as Ownership without Copyright] fstalder
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   * [[| Bundesgrichtsurteil: Gisela Blau Guggenheim vs BBC]], 19. April 2004   * [[| Bundesgrichtsurteil: Gisela Blau Guggenheim vs BBC]], 19. April 2004
   * [[|Lichtbildschutz]], URG Revision, 1. April 2020 (Artikel 2 Abs. 3bis)   * [[|Lichtbildschutz]], URG Revision, 1. April 2020 (Artikel 2 Abs. 3bis)
 **Reading:**  **Reading:** 
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 Foucault, Michel. 1998. “What Is an Author.” In Aesthetics, Method, and Epistemology, edited by James D. Faubion, 205–22. Essential Works of Foucault 1954-1984, Vol. 2. New York: New Press. Foucault, Michel. 1998. “What Is an Author.” In Aesthetics, Method, and Epistemology, edited by James D. Faubion, 205–22. Essential Works of Foucault 1954-1984, Vol. 2. New York: New Press.
-===== Tuesday: Cornelia Sollfrank and the Paradoxes of distributed authorship =====+===== Tuesday: Cornelia Sollfrank and the paradoxes of distributed authorship =====
 Works:  Works: 
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 Harrison, Nate. 2015. “In The Wake of Richard Prince and Instagram, Revisiting Copyright Law, Appropriation and History.” AMERICAN SUBURB X (blog). June 4, 2015. Harrison, Nate. 2015. “In The Wake of Richard Prince and Instagram, Revisiting Copyright Law, Appropriation and History.” AMERICAN SUBURB X (blog). June 4, 2015.
 +Nate Harrison [[|Can I Get An Amen?]], 2004
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 Replicas. Originality on Trial in and around Olivier Mosset’s Collection. 30.06 –29.10.2017. Musée Des Beaux-Arts, La Chaux-De-Fonds. [[|Catalogue]] Replicas. Originality on Trial in and around Olivier Mosset’s Collection. 30.06 –29.10.2017. Musée Des Beaux-Arts, La Chaux-De-Fonds. [[|Catalogue]]
-===== Thursday: Is everything a remix? =====+===== Thursday: Beyond Coypright, I ===== 
 +Free Licences and Commons 
 +  * [[|GNU GPL]] and the [[|four freedoms]] 
 +  * [[|Free Art Licence]] 
 +  * [[|Creative Commons]] 
 +Sollfrank, Cornelia, Felix Stalder, and Shusha Niederberger, eds. 2021. Aesthetics of the Commons. Zurich / Berlin: Diaphanes. Read: Introduction: p. 11 - 33 
-Nate Harrison [[|Can I Get An Amen?]], 2004 
-Kirb Filby [[|Everything is a Remix]], Video Series+<del>Kirb Filby [[|Everything is a Remix]], Video Series
 Sonvilla-Weiss, Stefan. 2015. “Good Artists Copy, Great Artists Steal. Reflections on Cut-Copy-Paste Culture.” In The Routledge Companion to Remix Studies, edited by Eduardo Navas, Owen Gallagher, and Xtine Burrough, 54–67. New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. Sonvilla-Weiss, Stefan. 2015. “Good Artists Copy, Great Artists Steal. Reflections on Cut-Copy-Paste Culture.” In The Routledge Companion to Remix Studies, edited by Eduardo Navas, Owen Gallagher, and Xtine Burrough, 54–67. New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
 {{ ::sonvilla-weiss_2015_good_artists_copy_great_artists_steal.pdf |PDF}} {{ ::sonvilla-weiss_2015_good_artists_copy_great_artists_steal.pdf |PDF}}
-Stalder, Felix. 2009. “9 Thesen Zur Remix Kultur.” Irights.Info, June 2009.  
 +Stalder, Felix. 2009. “9 Thesen Zur Remix Kultur.” Irights.Info, June 2009.</del> 
-===== Thursday Afternoon und Friday morning: Brave new Crytpo-WorkdNTF as Ownership without copyright =====+ 
 +===== Thursday Afternoon und Friday morning: Brave new Crypto-WorldNFT as Ownership without Copyright ===== 
 +Catlow, Ruth, Marc Garrett, Nathan Jones, and Sam Skinner, eds. 2017. Artists Re:Thinking the Blockchain. England] : [London: Torque Editions ; Furtherfield.{{ :catlow_intro.pdf |Intro: PDF}} 
 What is an NFT What is an NFT
Line 168: Line 188:
-NFT Market Place+Major NFT Market Places
   *   *
 +  *
 +  *
 On the difference between contract (coin) and artwork On the difference between contract (coin) and artwork
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 **The even more, and differently twisted case of Beeple** **The even more, and differently twisted case of Beeple**
-  * +
   *   *
   *   *
 +  * Comparable Case with Damian Hirst's "For the Love of God" (2007).
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 How Crypto Art Might Offer Artists Increased Autonomy How Crypto Art Might Offer Artists Increased Autonomy
 +Terra0, Two Degrees NFT, 2021
 +Adi Wagenknecht & Matt Dryhust. 2021 A guide to ecofriendly CryptoArt (NFTs)
 Financialization of Art Financialization of Art
Line 207: Line 241:
-Introduction: Ruth Catlow and Furtherfield 
-Catlow, Ruth, Marc Garrett, Nathan Jones, and Sam Skinner, eds. 2017. Artists Re:Thinking the Blockchain. England] : [London: Torque Editions ; Furtherfield. 
 **Zoom Conversation**  **Zoom Conversation** 
  • art_the_paradoxes_of_copyright.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/05/24 09:12
  • by fstalder