MATLAB @ MA Fine Arts, Zurich University of the Arts

(Experimental, collaborative, digital, classical) drawing & painting & printing

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Exhibition in Hong Kong summer 2018


Setting up show: 26—30 June
26 June: 10 am Hui Gallery (see Whatsapp info for location), start with collaborative work (Irene and Nic only here that day).
27 June: Finishing collaborative work, hanging our work.
28 and 29 June: Reserved for finishing exhibition (if needed).

Dinner, Sunday, 1 July:
Dinner at Ching Chun Warehouse (Him Lo's Project, Ar Wah will cook for us). (Note: I will pay with our MATLAB budget).

Tuesday, 3 July, Shenzhen tour:
Thank you Ziqi for organising!

Wednesday, 4 July, Chu Sir:
Practice Based Research and farming.
8:45 am Tai Wo station Exit A (meeting point with Chu Sir)
9:00-10:15 Bus to Sheung Tseun where we can change another route to Chuen Lung
10:15-12:00 Chuen Lung Artworks trip
12:00-1:00 Lunch at a traditional Canton restaurant where you can try some dim sum
If the weather is fine, we will go the One Leaf Cottage. If not, we will stay at the restaurant and do some sharing.
2:00 pm arrive at the farm
2:00-3:30 pm sharing about permaculture practice in HK and singing some songs related to my oral history projects.

Thursday, 5 July, afternoon: Studio visit Kurt Chan (former head of MA Fine Arts at CUHK)
After the studio visit: I will have a dinner-meeting with Kurt (he is also our advisor MAS Art & Society) and you will be free to go on with your own programme.

Friday, 6 July Gallery and museum visits

Travel info: Let us share the travel info here and post your questions (whoever has an answer, please anwser).
dl: clothes:
It will be hot and humid. Some of my friends always carry a small towl to wipe the sweat off their faces … and I have started doing this too. But: Event though it is hot, do not forget air-conditioning, which can be FREEZING! So always carry a jumper or something with you, in case you are not used to these temperature changes.
Don't forget your swimming costume.
Comfortable shoes for city walking and light hiking.
Nice clothes to visit the upmarket (designer) hotels. And, in general: like in Switzerland (although it is more Japanese-contemporary-fasion oriented … Ziqi … would you agree?).
It rains regularly! Take umbrella and/or rain coat with you. Sandals are good for rainy weather (water runs through).
Esther: Thank you Dominique for the informations. I asked Ziqi about the adapter and also read in a travel book: for electronic equipment: Netzspannung 220Volt, Steckdosen/power outlet with three holes in new hotels, on old ones with two. Same like in UK
_ _ Participants: Travelling to Hong Kong: Dominique Lämmli Jiang Ziqi Kathrin Maliszewski Nicolas Rothenbühler Esther Schena Gianluca Trifilo Nathalie Stirnimann Stefan Stojanovic
Unfortunately: Hanieh Jahangiri does not get any holiday. So sorry, Hanieh!
Dates: 24 or 25 June, arrivals (Flying on Mondays is cheaper (according to Ziqi)!) 26-30 June, setting up exhibition (compulsory for all participants)
01—07 July, guided tours (art&architecture, exhibitions, meeting artists); not every day, detailled programme pending
08 July, Opening 09 July (or indiviudally), departure Accommodation:
I will organise (together with CUHK) our accommodation between:
23 June and 09 July
Flight (up to 800 CHF) and accommodation will be paid by MFA (Projektorientierter Unterricht) und MATLAB. Guided Tours auch via MATLAB/MFA beglichen.
Participants pay:
Food and other expenses, transport in Hong Kong
Procedure flight booking:
You book individually. Show your ticket confirmation at the office MFA and you get 800 CHF reimbursed. You can book the flights for any date, just make sure, you are in Hong Kong from 25 to 9 July (during set-up and guided tours). ==== Exhibition framework: ==== Status: 15 May 2018:
Our exhibition is a exhibition to the CUHK diploma exhibitions.
RMIT and ZHdK students/lecturers are exhibiting.

RMIT exhibition contribution, Irène Barberis wrote:
“If its ok I would like the 12 small works I have chosen to be placed separately on the walls on one side of the gallery, with a spotlight on each piece if possible - I want them to look like small jewels. Each of these works have a word, so I will be placing them in a sequence as a visual sentence. They don’t have any relationship to the screen printing. All our artists ( except for one) are Alumni with professional practices and are not students per se - we just need a clear white space/walls.
For the catalogue - My text ( with the addition next week of the ‘visual sentence’ should proceed the RMIT images - I will put each artist in order.

ZHdK contribution to the exhibition:
I have discussed the following with Ziqi, Esther, and Kathrin (@others: please let us know, if this is ok with you):
We bring some of our collaborative work (lithography and silkscreen) and mount them to big wall works.
I have asked for one TV screen with media player: on there we could run short (1—3') presentations of your work. (See example here.
Plus: We could produce some postcards: Each one contributes one image for a postcard. On each postcard are all names with weblink info. We can place the postcards in the exhibition space as a take-away.

Contribution to catalogue: Photographies of our collaborative work, all names of participants with weblinks. And maybe: a double page with individual work. What do you think?

/home/wiki/ · Last modified: 2018/06/25 06:53 by dlaemmli