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Import Advanced Sceleton Charater from Maya into Unity

Import settings

  • Rig / Animation Type: Humanoid
  • Configure… Muscles & Settings: Check “Use Translation DoF”, Apply, Done

  • Optional: Reduce game objects
    • Check Rig / Optimize Game Objects
    • Add desired Extra Teansforms to Expose (for example the Hand / Wrist bones to allow attaching another object)

In the scene

  • Disable MocapGuy_EyeSpec
  • Disable MocapGuy_Teeth
  • Create a material (Standard shader)
    • Assign texture to materials albedo channel
    • Assign the material to the SkinnedMeshRenderer of the Body
  • Quick fix for hair material
    • Duplicate the material created before
    • Change the materials rendering mode to Transparent
    • Change Smoothnes and Metallic to 0
    • Apply this material to the hair, eyebrows and eyelashes
  • Position charter on ground (y axis)
  • Create a prefab from this by dragging the character from the Hierarchy into the Project window (assets folder or a subfolder)
unity_importmayaadvancedskeleton.txt · Last modified: 2018/04/12 08:12 by sbroggi