MATLAB @ MA Fine Arts, Zurich University of the Arts

(Experimental, collaborative, digital, classical) drawing & painting & printing

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MATLAB provides practice based joint learning and experimentation. It is run by Prof. Dominique Lämmli, MA Fine Arts, Zurich University of the Arts.

The information (constantly updated) on this WIKI is related to MATLAB activities and mentoring. It mirrors interests and needs of the MATLAB network. Therefore, the information given does not follow systematic patterns.


REFERENCES & INFO On art, drawing & painting, research; literature, magazines, resources, etc.
TOOLKIT FOR ARTISTS From painting techniques, to writing, programming, copy rights, etc.
MATERIAL SUPPLIERS For students working in Zurich

Programme autumn semester 2018

How to develop and present a project to an art & architecture jury?
Project descriptions, budgeting, and presentations.

With guests: Karin Frei, art-agency; Beat Zoderer; Scipio Schneider, Acrush;
Overview, please see here.
Further information on the SAW art and architecture project, please see this INFO.

Praxisseminar: Small Projects for the Coming Communities
With Dorothee Richter
Overview, please see here.
We will begin with a workshop (see questions below) and then plan the subsequent days together.
Which role could art play in the future?
Which communities are relevant to you/us?
What is our contribution to these communities?
Which utopia would we like to put into practice?
As a preface, see for example Visual Notes on art and community projects in Java, Indonesia by Grace Samboh, Ismal Muntaha, Debrina Tedja and Helmi Hardian, Andung Kelana, Kardus Ila, Pandu Rahdian, Yopie Nugraha, and visit the JaF webpage.

Conversation on painting and practice based research and Mentorat
Please see your mailbox (21 Sep 2018): I sent you a doodle link with the dates and possibilities to sign up for meetings/mentoring.


For information on past events and teaching and the MA Fine Arts/MATLAB network, please visit our blog.

Processing former workshops and exhibitions for Archive


/home/wiki/ · Last modified: 2018/09/20 10:30 by dlaemmli