Die Gamesoundopedia ist eine Wissensdatenbank zum Thema Sound in Computerspielen.
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Viel Spass! Daniel Hug
- 7 -
- 8 -
- A -
Ankh [PC]
TBD aquaria [PC]
Arms [Switch]
TBD Assasins Creed
- B -
Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition
TBD Bastion [Xbox 360/PC/MAC]
Batman [NES]
Battleblock Theater [Xbox 360/PC/MAC]
TBD Battlefield2 [PC]
Bejeweled 2 [PC]
Berzerk [A2600]
TBD Beyond Good and Evil [PS2/Xbox/NGC/PC]
Bioshock [PC]
TBD Black&White [PC]
BMX Air Master [A2600]
Borderlands 2 [PC]
Boulder Dash [NES]
Botanicula [PC]
Brainpipe [PC]
Bloodborne [PS4]
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons[PC]
Bubble Bobble [Amiga]
- C -
Castlevania [NES]
The Cat Lady [PC]
TBD Counterstrike Source [PC]
Command and Conquer Generals [PC]
Commando[Atari 7800]
Crash Bandicoot [Gameboy Advance]
Crayon Physics [PC]
Cave Story [PC]
- D -
Dead or Alive 2 [PS2]
Dead or Alive 3 [Xbox]
Dead or Alive Xtream [Xbox]
Deus Ex [PC]
Devil May Cry 3 [PS2]
Dig Dug [Atari]
- E -
Evil Twin [PC]
Extreme-G [N64]
- F -
Forsaken [N64]
Forza Motorsport [Xbox]
- G -
Gone Home [PC]
Gothic 2 [PC]
GTA Vice city [PS2]
Guitar Hero [PS2]
- H -
Half-Life [PC]
Half Life 2 [PC]
Halo 5 Guardians [Xbox One]
H.E.R.O. [A2600]
HERO [A2600]
- I -
- J -
- K -
Kirby's Adventure [NES]
- L -
LOTR Fellowship [PC]
- M -
Machinarium [PC]
Mario Kart [SNES]
Mario Kart 8 [WiiU]
Max Payne 2 [PC]
Max Payne 2 [Xbox]
Mega Man [NES]
Metal Gear Solid [PS1]
Metal Gear Solid 4 [PS2 / PS3]
Metal Slug 3 [PC]
Minecraft [PC]
Monkey Island 2 [PC]
Mount & Blade [PC]
- N -
Ninja Gaiden [Nes]
Ninja Gaiden 3, Razor's Edge [Wii U]
- O -
Oddworld Munchs Odyssee [Xbox]
Okami [PS2]
Oink [Atari 2600]
- P -
Pineview drive [PC]
Portal [PC]
Pokémon Red + Blue [GB + GBC]
Pokémon X + Y [3DS]
Prey [PC]
Prince of Persia [DOS]
Prince of Persia Sands of Time
Punch-Out!! [NES]
- Q -
- R -
Rally Trophy [PC]
Resident Evil IV [PS2]
Riddick [Xbox]
- S -
Sensible Soccer [Xbox]
Sims 2 [PC]
SimCity Societies [PC]
Skiing [Atari 2600]
Soul Calibur 2 [PS2]
Son of Nor [PC Mac]
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles
Space Invaders [1978]
Stalker [PC]
Super Meat Boy [PC] [Mac] [Xbox360]
- T -
- U -
- V -
- W - Wario Woods [NES]
We Love Katamari [PS2]
- X -
- Y -
- Z -
TBD Zelda - The Legend of Zelda
TBD Zelda - The Twilight Princess
Zelda - Ocarina of Time [N64]